Cheque Award Reservation Centre (CAR)
Don’t be taken for a ride by C.A.R (Cheque Award Reservation Centre).
The letter from C.A.R states:
“You have indeed won the Super Prize cheque. Absolutely Guaranteed.
“All you need to do to receive your prize is to return the official personal acceptance certificate designated by our games committee as winner as soon as possible. You will then be able to cash your cheque for $29,000 whenever you want. It is official.”
That’s not what the fine print says. It says this document contains no firm offer because the winning ticket number was pre-drawn before the mail out began and only that person can claim the $29,000 by responding. Do you really think that you are the winner?
This is just another misleading promotion by the black-hearted Blacktacos mail order sales company.
The main aim of the promotion is to get you to fork out $50 for Professor Robert Sting’s “Rare and Previous Secret”.
Supposedly this secret is already known to the richest and most influential personalities of the international jetset, the new Russian billionaires and show-business celebrities.
So what is this secret? It’s called “money scoring” which will allow you to win a fortune on your usual gambling games in less than 30 days without working, without investing any money, and even without having to leave your house.
Could “money scoring” be yet another worthless lucky numbers method to play lotto and other games of chance? You bet your bottom dollar it is!
Don’t get stung by the Professor Sting/Blacktacos scam. And be warned, there are probably other versions of this scam doing the rounds.
To read more about the Blacktacos and their scams, click here.