Crown Imports
Crown Imports, also known as Crown Imperial Imports, has been doing the rounds for years.
They claim you are the recipient of one of the major items listed - from big TVs to cash, cameras, computers, and jewellery. Just send off your $30 or $40 release fee.
But it's all a sham. What you are more likely to receive is some cheap, low quality product such as jewellery or a leather wallet set which will be worth far less than the money you send.
Crown Imports is a mail order company, based in Hicksville USA, which claims to market quality jewellery, leather items and accessories.
It claims that it does not operate a sweepstake or contest. You are actually purchasing the merchandise. It states it is all part of its "international publicity program" to introduce "its line of fine quality merchandise by gathering names for its catalogues".
Interestingly, among its product range is "custom-crafted" Gucci, Chanel, Prada, and Louis Vuitton items. But the fine print on the bottom of these promotions states that these well-known companies have not endorsed or licensed these promotions, and are not affiliated in any way with the publicity program . . . makes you think doesn't it!
You have to ask yourself: How can Crown Imports charge $35 for a "Gucci" leather set which is supposedly priced at US$540? Crown Imports explanation that it "cuts the middleman and sources products directly from the manufacturer thereby passing its savings to customers" doesn't quite cut it. Is your so-called "Gucci" silk purse actually a sow's ear?
Crown Imports used to confine itself to postal letters. Unfortunately they have discovered the Internet and people now get bombarded by email.
WA ScamNet contributors have reported that after they signed up to the website,, they were inundated with these offers.
Refuse the Crown Import offer and up pops offers from International Shipping Deport, Digital WorldNet, Access America Financial Services, International Product Registry, Trans-Universal Freight Forwarders, and a host of others.
I guess they believe in the old motto "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again".
You can unsubscribe by clicking on the very small "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the email. Ignore the pop-ups and persevere with unsubscribing.
If you have ordered one of these products and are unhappy, ask for a refund. Some consumers have tried this approach and received their money back.