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Trigon Partners

Trigon Partners

A cardboard electronics boxScammers will try anything once, twice or even a dozen times to recruit money mules to launder money. Trigon Partners is their latest offering.

We just wish Trigon would “try going” somewhere else!!!

Trigon Partners claim to be a leading electronics supplier in need of part-time, home-based employees to assist Trigon selling its merchandise on Ebay.

The job won’t involve handling stock – instead you will be asked to accept payments into your bank account.

The Trigon Partners email uses the pitch “No cold calling, no selling to friends, no door to door sales” – where have we heard that slogan before!

Last month, this same email was being sent under the name Mercury Industries.

Click on the website and yep, it’s the same template website used by Mercury, Swiss Invest and others.

Trigon Partners claims you can earn 8 per cent commission on each item sold.  No experience required. They even offer paid training.

Do not respond to this email – it’s money laundering.

Trigon wants you to accept money into your bank account and to pass it on to a pre-arranged destination. This money does NOT come from the sale of stock. The money has been illegally gained. Often it has been stolen from other people’s bank accounts via the Internet. Scammers use Trojan and key logging viruses to capture customer online banking details

There are laws against money laundering. There is a real possibility that you will be prosecuted. It is not worth the risk of prosecution and a criminal record.

www.banksafeonline.org.uk/spotting_scams.html is the website for the United Kingdom’s banking industry and provides an up-to-date list of other money mule scams.